Thursday, 21 March 2019

Thankful Thursday # 36

It's time to flex my fingers with our staple post:

  1. Spring. This deserves it's own post, but I am definitely super excited about the new season.
  2. My boyfriend. The funniest, kindest, most intelligent person I've ever met, and I get to fall asleep by his side every day. Winner!
  3. Sunny meditations. I have a spot in the office where I like to meditate, and today the sun was hitting it for the first time this year, giving me a nice boost of vitamin D to start my day.
  4. Today's food. There isn't a single meal I'm not excited about today. All of them healthy-ish, all of them super tasty.
  5. Smaller tops. I am wearing a top a size smaller than my normal size. I am super excited and proud of myself for this.
  6. Lunch dates. I am meeting a friend for lunch for the second time this week. I am a big fan of having quiet lunches, but sometimes I love to break my routine and catch up with friends.
  7. Spotify. I love, love, love my Spotify. I don't think how I could ever cope with a work day without music and podcasts.
  8. My new pin. For my birthday I gifted myself a pin that says "Prose before bros" and I wear it proudly on my coat. I just love how many compliments I get for it.
  9. Clothes drying outside. I can't explain why, but there is little that can compare to sitting at my desk at home looking at clothes drying in the clothes line below.
  10. Natter. I am an introvert, which in my case means I struggle to make casual conversation with strangers and shop clerks. That is starting to change and I feel happy and confident in this. It's something that definitely deserves an acknowledgment. 

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