Thursday, 14 March 2019

Thankful Thursday # 35

Trying to get back into the swing of things by returning to a staple post:

  1. My boyfriend. My pack and my family of choice.
  2. Working indoors. Today it's windy and extremely wet outside, so I am very glad to work in a closed, warm office.
  3. New dresses. I have a couple of new dresses I bought this year, but had yet to put them on because I felt self-conscious about how looked. Having recently lost a bit of weight, they add a treat-like quality to my efforts.
  4. Disposable income. I don't earn loads of money, but I am blessed with a paycheck that allows me the occasional splurge without the fear my account won't take it.
  5. Listening to music while you work. I don't think I would cope well if I had to work in absolute silence. I was definitely made for sound.
  6. Tea. My fall back drink when I'm trying to cut back on sugar.
  7. Rain. I am dying to go outside and buy more food, because I'm still settling back into my normal diet and trying really hard not to graze. The fact that it's raining cats and dogs definitely trumps the whims of my stomach.
  8. Spotting ladybirds. It's a rare occurrence, but one that always fills me with child-like happiness. Ladybird is my pet name, so every time I see one, I innocently feel the Universe is winking at me.
  9. Books. I have so, so many books, which is something that makes me very happy.
  10. Fancy enamel pins. Shortly before I went on holiday I bought a pin that says Prose before Bros (I know!). It was waiting for me as I returned from holiday and it was a nice treat to help keep the holiday blues away.

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