Spring began again last week. The season of rebirth, of reinvention, of cleaning and decluttering is here again. Days get longer, temperatures get milder, spirits get higher. We shed the extra layers of Winter and ready ourselves to start anew.
So what follows is part wishlist, part to-do list, part putting things on papers so I am now accountable for making them happen.
- Park lunches. At least once a week (weather permitting) I would like to spend my lunch hour reading and chilling in the park, alone or with a workmate. I always come back to my desk feeling refreshed, so this is something to invest in at every opportunity.
- Outside runs. I prefer a treadmill to simply running outside. There's no stop and go, no traffic and other people to consider, no unexpected ups and downs, plus it's way easier to keep track of how you're performing. But outside there is the arboretum. And in the arboretum there is pretty greenery and swings. And those early weekend mornings when I get to the park and the swings are empty are a real treat. Adulthood is way easier when you allow yourself to go back to childhood joys every now and then.
- Garden revamp. This year I want to really put some effort into making our garden a nice place be in. I look forward to scrubbing tiles, re-potting plants, clear weeds, maybe invest in a deck chair or two.
- New recipes. Years ago I bought a Slimming World book with recipes for Spring and Summer and I never opened it. This is the year to explore with some new and healthy recipes.
- Decluttering. Arguably this is more of a Summer project for me, since that's when I have the house to myself and can leave a project halfway done by bedtime without it impacting on anyone else. Anyway, I'm already dreaming of the day(s) when I get to dump all my clothes on the bed and clean the closet.
- New coat. This year I want to invest in quality items, as opposed to getting something that's nice and economical. So I am excited about getting myself a nice mid-season trench-coat, something flattering and versatile with a bit of colour. The question is do I want one in bright yellow, mustard yellow, emerald green, ruby red? Decisions, decisions.
- Longer hussle days. In Winter I feel I accomplish very little outside of work because there is so little time. I get home and I have a two hour slot to get stuff done and to chill and unwind before it's bedtime again. In Spring and Summer, as the days get longer, my body tricks me into doing more (which also means I tend to sleep a bit less), as there is more light so it takes me longer to flop onto the sofa/bed.
- Iced coffee. I LOVE iced coffee. Hot coffee after lunch makes me feel cosy and sleepy, iced coffee makes me feel energised and ready to go. It also feels like a treat with very few calories (thinking Americanos, not frappuccinos!)
- Drying clothes outside. I can't explain how much this fills me with joy, but it does. Very few things scream household bliss than seeing laundry drying outside. Even the smell is better and cleaner!
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