Over the last few years people sometimes approach me to tell me how they wish they were more like me. That they too could laugh at their misfortunes, that they could be as motivated to get up at stupid am, or as strong to deadlift more than 50kg. That they could be as confident to not care that they look silly blowing bubbles in the park, or as organised and prepared to bring sunscreen to impromptu work lunches outside. They admire my spontaneity, my quirkiness, my child-like wonder. Though mostly they mention the getting up at stupid am.
Here is the thing: I didn't wake up like this. I am the product of years and years of work. I too was once the complete opposite of what I am in that first paragraph. I too hated myself and would ignore my live passing me as I binge watch stuff on the sofa. While eating crap food. In fact, for the first twenty years of my life, the only fruits and vegetables I ate were banana and lettuce. I couldn't run for a full minute. I firmly believed I had been born with less motivation and strength than everyone else. I was just unlucky. I would never be strong or inspire anyone in anything, except what not to do. I was Sandra Bullock at the beginning of every 90s rom-com, except fatter, weirder and lacking in natural charm. Also no cats. At least that is how I viewed myself.
When I started my journey I never - ever! - could've dreamed I could come this far; that I could ever be this comfortable and proud of myself as I am now. I wasn't in this believing I was going to be this super version of myself; I just wanted to be better than I was.
I am going to spare you the two-minute inspirational montage where our hero (that's me!) trains arduously to achieve their goals to the sound of Eye of the Tiger or something like that. The reason being that my journey isn't really that important to you. It is my journey. You find whatever works for your journey. You just have to catch yourself the next time you say "I wish..." and do something (anything!) about it. Just get started and the rest will come.
Few things make me happier than knowing my life inspires others. If I have motivated you to change anything about your life, please let me know; that just fuels me even more to get better and better. Just make sure you are not comparing your beginning with my middle. The truth is the only differences between whatever it is you admire in me and you is not strength or motivation, but time and action.
You are not going to simply wake up one day and be the person you want to be. You hone yourself into being that person. Day by day. Make the commitment. One day you will wake up where you want to be, but it won't be like this *snaps fingers*. And the fact that it was something hard earned will make that day so much sweeter.
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