Sunday, 26 August 2018

Back again

So here I am again, almost a year since my last post.

I know I have always been a fickle blogger, and quite frankly I am okay with that. This is a space I created mostly for me. If anyone chooses to read these posts (if they happen to like them), then great! If not, then I'm comfortable with what I have.

This year I decided to be more focused and organised. Enter bullet journaling! If you don't know what it is, then go out and read all about it; it's awesome! Imagine having a notebook to keep your whole life organised. It's a diary, a journal, a planner, a list space, a drawing notebook, all rolled into one. Plus you get to personalise it as much as you want and make it pretty!

I had high hopes for this because it meant I could just write anytime, anywhere. Here is where I went wrong: as romantic as it is, I don't actually like my handwriting, and I find my handwriting speed infuriatingly slow. I much rather go through the bother of turning my laptop and only writing a few times a week (and I'm being grossly optimistic here!), than facing an empty page, only to see it (ever so) slowly being filled with an untidy handwritten text.

So that leads me to here and now.

I am hopelessly in love with bullet journaling, I just won't be using it for texts where I would - plain and simple - rather type.

So here's to what is left of 2018. Let's make it awesome!


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