Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Thankful Thursday # 30

It is another rainy Thursday. Here we go:

  1. My boyfriend. He is currently facing a new challenge and it is so wonderful witnessing him blossom and thrive. I am a lucky gal.
  2. My packed lunch. I am very happy that I don't have to leave the office today in search for food, with all the rain falling.
  3. Proper rain. I don't like that really light, airborne, gets-everywhere rain that you barely feel falling on you. If it's going to rain, then let it rain. I like unapologetic rain you can hear falling, rain that you feel bouncing off your umbrella, that gets you wet without deceit.
  4. Books. Whereas 2017 was a year of films, 2018 has been a year of books. In case the sidebar didn't make that obvious enough!
  5. Spotify. More than just having so much music a few swipes away, it brings Portuguese music closer. Before Spotify I would need to wait until my next trip home to buy any new music. Now, I can listen to it whenever I want. Win.
  6. Autumn approaching. This is a post in an of itself, but suffice it to say for now that I am excited about the new season.
  7. Work friends. In my current role I try to balance having lunches on my own, where I can read and meditate, with lunches with friends. Having lunch out with friends is great, you discover new places, you have a few laughs, you socialise for an hour, you get back to work feeling so refreshed and happy. I am blessed with several people like this to share my breaks with.

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