Thursday, 11 April 2019

Thankful Thursday #37

It's that time of the week!

  1. Sunny weather. Everything is better when it's sunny. Your problems look smaller, your joys swell you up.
  2. My boyfriend. Every day is a good day if I get to fall asleep next to my favourite person in the Universe.
  3. My body. I have an amazing body (I'm not being vain here, I'm talking about a lot more than physical appearance). My body has dealt with every curved ball I've thrown its way and came up on top with joy. I push it by working out way past wanting to stop, by not always sleeping as much as I need or eating things I shouldn't and it has never let me down. The things I may not love about it (like the few pounds I could shed) are on me and me alone. My body is awesome!
  4. Having a locker at work. I don't travel light, so having a locker where I can leave my work mug, my water bottle, my toothbrush, my work shoes, my work crockery and cutlery set, my spare mobile charger, my (you get the picture, I could go on) is a load off my back (literally!).
  5. Disposable income. I'm going to have a few extra expenses in the next couple of months, so I am very fortunate that I have disposable income allows me to not have to go without anything or worry too much about my finances.
  6. Late sunny reads. Yesterday I was reading in my sofa until almost 8pm before I needed to turn on the lights. I love longer sunny days!
  7. New recipes. My personal trainer has sent me a few recipes for me to try and keep on top of my calorie intake, and I am actually super excited to give them a go!

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