Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The fun times of being temporarily single

My boyfriend and I do our holidays apart. To most people this sounds weird, but trust me, if you both have family abroad (even if both families live in the same city) this starts to make sense for a number of reasons. When I go on "holiday" (and time at home is never the same as a holiday abroad to a new country) I never get much rest. It's a constant pilgrimage of going from relative to relative and trying to catch up with old friends. So imagine this with both my family/friends and his in the mix.

Anyway, he's been away for a few days and people around me seem to want to pat me on the back because they believe I am lonely. But that's not the way I see it. I see this as an opportunity to have fun and to enjoy the little things I don't get to do when he's around.

Yes, I love my boyfriend deeply and I can't wait for him to come back, but hey!, let's be honest here; there's loads of things you don't get to do much when you share your space with someone else. Here's a few:

  1. Singing in the shower in the morning (he's still asleep when I get up, so lots of noise would be a no no)
  2. Watching films your other half wouldn't be caught dead watching. I watch rom-coms not so much because I really enjoy them, but mostly because I can!
  3. Sleeping like a starfish. Seriously, having the bed all to myself is bliss!
  4. Leaving your yarn everywhere. My living room looks like my gran moved in and decided to knit like there's no tomorrow. I make no apologies.
  5. Less washing up to do.
  6. Organising your time off however you want it and being able to change your mind at a moment's notice without it impacting anyone else.
  7. Deciding what to want to wear that same day. Because I get up earlier than my better half I always leave my clothes ready the day before, so I'm enjoying the total freedom of not having another human being in the bedroom when I get up.
  8. Planning your meals exactly to your specifications.
  9. Making the bed in less than 10 seconds.
  10. Not feeling guilty for being caught in a book for longer than you should. The new Harry Potter book came out a few days ago, I would be disappointed with myself if I managed to control myself...

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