Thursday, 29 August 2019

Thankful Thursday #38

It's a lovely day to blog, so there we go!

  1. My boyfriend. The funniest, quirkiest, kindest and most loving human I have ever met and I get to wake up every day next to this gem of a person!
  2. My Spotify account, letting me explore new music and podcasts on a whim.
  3. Sunny mornings. The easiest way to start your day on a high.
  4. My keepcup; making my coffee feel special and saving the environment - win!
  5. Strawberries. Sweet, decadent fruit with few calories, yes, please!
  6. My job. I love my job. I love having loads to do and being left to do it. Just pop the headphones on, upbeat playlist on and here I go!
  7. The new season of The Kindness Diaries (on Netflix). Reaffirming my faith in humankind with every 20 minute episode.