Thursday, 6 December 2018

Thankful Thursday # 32

So I have been feeling a little bit out of sorts lately. Grumpy and short-tempered. At first I thought it was just the cough that's been keeping me awake at night for the last week. Now I think it's also the lack of this. Of gratitude. So here is my fix:

  1. My boyfriend. I have the most loving man by my side, and these past few days I have felt especially loved and cared for as I nurse myself back to health.
  2. Working from home. I have a job where I am lucky enough to be able to work from home whenever I need. This means that on those days when I am feeling slightly under the weather but not enough to justify calling in sick, I can just sleep through my commute time and just work from the comfort of my home. In comfy wear. With scented candles on and an endless supply of tea.
  3. Christmas-time. I love, love, love Christmas. And with all the madness this year has brought, I am looking forward to a few days to chill.
  4. Our guest bedroom. Having a spare bedroom means I can sleep alone when the coughing gets too much. It's bad enough this keeps me awake at night; I'd feel terrible if it meant disrupting my boyfriend's sleep too.
  5. Knitting in Winter. I am blessed with the disposable income and the free time to knit. I don't do it too often (hence why I will always be mediocre at it), but when I do, I thoroughly enjoy it. At this time of year, nothing beats a cheesy Christmas film with a scented candle on and some knitting to keep me going.
  6. Youtube. I have no memory for crafts. Zero. I have lost track how many time I have asked my boyfriend's mom to teach me how to cast off. So I thank the good knitters on Youtube who went to trouble of uploading tutorial videos that save me the embarrassment of having to ask the same questions again and again.