So it seems the dawn of a new season is swiftly upon us and because I refuse to succumb to the gloom and doom of leaving Summer behind, here is a list of all the amazing things to be enjoyed this season:
- The pavement covered in crunchy yellow leaves. It's an eternal childhood joy, stepping on freshly fallen leaves and hearing them crunch under our feet. Also, it makes for pretty pictures.
- Long sleeves. I do love the lightness of leaving the house without a massive bundle of a coat, but there's something comforting about pulling on your sleeves.
- Steaming cups of tea. Wrapping your hands around a steaming cuppa - what could be better?
- Cosy indoor plans. Gaming and watching movies on the sofa, especially when there's someone to cuddle up to - yes, please!
- The sound of rain falling (all the sweeter when you're inside or even better - in bed).
- Cinnamon and pumpkin flaroured everything. Lattes, pastries, cakes, it seems coffee shops sell nothing else when Autumn kicks in.
- Heavier bedding. I'm the sort of person that likes to burrow when sleeping, so I happily welcome an extra duvet for the colder seasons.
- Soups and one pot meals. Out with light and fresh salads and barbecues (that I very much love) and in with good hearty food!
- Candlelight. It's the sign that Autumn is truly here, when I start feeling a growing desire for light up candles around the house. It just feels so... cosy! (yes, I know I'm very big with that word).
- Slippers, socks and all manner of fluffy things. Having your feet alfresco might feel great but there's no denying how comfy a nice pair of socks feels, especially in the comfort of your own home.
- French and jazzy music. Maybe that's just me, but I have a special place in my heart for French music playing in the background and every year Autumn seems to rekindle this love with a burning flame.
- Crafty projects. Sock puppets, knitting and sewing feel better in the colder months. Firstly because wool and Summer sweaty hands don't really go together. Secondly because your house feels so much more inviting and warm and handmade projects are a great way to fill up that extra time indoors in between movies and games (maybe that last part is just me...)
- All this cosiness indoors naturally prompts more reading time, and in my book that's always a plus.
So come on in, Autumn, and be most welcome. I'm sure we'll get along fine this year!